Thunder Run Game at Orccon 2015

Last night’s big Micro Armor game sponsored by GameCraft Miniatures. Good times were had by all. The Iraqis got the backsides handed to them but they took out a respectable number of M1A1 Abrams tanks in the process,,, 6 of them, that’s roughly 6 more than the real Iraqis took out in this campaign.

Al Sijood Palace in 1/285th Scale

I am working on this new piece for our 285th scale middle east collection. This is the Al Sijood Palace in Baghdad Iraq. This will be a resin cast kit that comes in several pieces. I’ve taken some liberties in scaling this building down, the actual building in 1/285th scale would be about 16″ long … I’ve cheated a bit and got it down to a more reasonable 10″ long while still maintaining an impressive size.  I’m doing something very new with this kit, creating a mixed media kit.  The 4 walls and the dome will be resin castings and the roof and internal structure will be MDF.

These photos show the internal frame structure that is made of laser cut MDF.  This internal structure also makes up the roof pieces.   Note: the dome will not be a perfect hemisphere like the one shown, the Al Sijood Palace has a dome with a slight point to it’s top ,, the white dome shown here is for demonstration purposes only.

Palace-6 Palace-4 Palace-3 Palace-2 Palace-1

Gas Station in 1/285th Scale

Today we are releasing the 285MEV045 Gas Station. This gas station is a very generic design so that it can be used in the Middle East, North Africa, Europe and even the Americas and other regions. It’s plain, clean design suggests it’s a modern structure and is suitable for the Cold War period and onward. The gas station is a single piece resin casting, no assembly required, just paint and play.

For users of our 285th scale modular road system we are offering a 4 way intersection specially designed for this gas station. The part number for the intersection is 285MEV046.

Gas station shown with optional 4 way intersection